您有夢寐以求的 Harley® 機車嗎?現在就可預約試乘體驗,享受美夢成真的午後。 完成表格,就又向精采的馳騁體驗前進了一步。
Harley-Davidson, Inc. 線上隱私權政策 |
2007/2/17 發佈 |
關於我們 |
本網站是由 Harley-Davidson, Inc. 為其本身與所有子公司和其他相關企業 (「哈雷大衛森」),包含 Harley-Davidson Motor Company、Buell Distribution Corporatio,以及 Buell Motorcycle Company (在此隱私權政策中,上述所有子公司和相關企業統稱為「哈雷大衛森/Buell」) 統一管理。此隱私權政策規範適用於哈雷大衛森/Buell 經由 www.harley-davidson.com 和 www.buell.com 線上所蒐集關於您的資訊之使用方式。但不適用於哈雷大衛森/Buell 於非線上管道 (例如透過明信片或在集會、示威等) 或在其他網站上所蒐集關於您的資訊之使用方式。 |
請注意,哈雷大衛森的網站位於美國, 且哈雷大衛森可能於美國或您居住地以外的其他國家/地區蒐集、儲存和處理您的個人資訊。美國和/或這些國家/地區可能不會為您的個人資訊提供程度上與您居住國家一樣好的隱私權保護。 |
我們蒐集的資訊 |
以下情況哈雷大衛森/Buell 會蒐集您的客戶識別資訊:若您造訪本網站並希望取得我們其中一項產品或服務的資訊 (如租賃),或註冊成為我們的關係企業 (如 H.O.G.) 的成員,或要求取得其他資訊 (如投資者資訊),或與我們連絡服務項目事宜。「客戶識別資訊」代表任何關於一個可以直接或間接被識別之自然人的資訊,從該資訊可得知身分證字號或者一或多項因素,這些因素可指出他或她的特定身體、生理、心理、經濟、文化或社會的身份。我們蒐集的客戶識別資訊可能會包含您的名字、地址、電話號碼、電子郵件地址、IP 位址、訪客連結過來的網站、瀏覽了本網站哪些網頁和與他們直接相關的線上活動資訊。此資訊可能與哈雷大衛森/Buell 已知的其他資訊整合,例如您是否擁有一台 Harley-Davidson® 或 Buell® 摩托車,或者您是否為 H.O.G.® 一員。 |
我們使用資訊的方式 |
哈雷大衛森/Buell 會蒐集和使用您的客戶識別資訊,以提供服務給您、回應您的請求、向您行銷和販售哈雷大衛森/Buell 產品、方案和服務,以及向您行銷和販售哈雷大衛森/Buell 經銷商、租賃商和企業聯盟公司提供之品牌產品、方案和服務。「企業聯盟公司」為第三方企業,與哈雷大衛森/Buell 簽約共同合作行銷、提供、販售、散佈、背書或贊助哈雷大衛森/Buell 品牌產品、方案或服務。此外,哈雷大衛森/Buell 可能會使用客戶識別資訊進行其他合法的商業活動,例如維護網站和哈雷大衛森/Buell 網路的安全性、預防潛在不利威脅、從事債務催討、回應法院指令或傳票、預防詐騙、遵守法律和履行政府機關或主管機關的合法要求。 |
哈雷大衛森/Buell 可能會將您的客戶識別資訊傳送給第三方,其可能會使用此資訊來達成上述之目的。這些第三方可能包含哈雷大衛森/Buell 的代理商、經銷商、商業聯盟公司、顧問和租賃商,和依據法律、主管機關規定之範圍提供哈雷大衛森/Buell 產品和服務的公司 (例如 IT 系統供應商)。 |
若須進行上述之目的,哈雷大衛森/Buell 可能會將您的客戶識別資訊傳送給第三方,而這些第三方可能會將您的客戶識別資訊用於上述目的。這些第三方可能包含哈雷大衛森/Buell 的經銷商、顧問、租賃商,和依據法律、主管機關 (包含稅務機關) 規定之範圍提供哈雷大衛森/Buell 產品和服務的公司。哈雷大衛森/Buell 也可能會將您的客戶識別資訊移轉給其商業聯盟公司。這些公司與哈雷大衛森/Buell 簽約共同合作提供、背書或贊助哈雷大衛森/Buell 品牌產品、方案或服務。 |
哈雷大衛森/Buell 可能會將您的客戶識別資訊傳送給第三方。我們目前正在要求接受我們所傳送資訊的第三方,僅得在與哈雷大衛森/Buell 簽訂的合約範圍內使用您的客戶識別資訊,且僅可用於上述之目的,包含向您直接行銷產品或服務。然而,目前並非所有的第三方都謹遵這項規定,某些第三方可能將您的客戶識別資訊用於其他目的。請知悉這些第三方可能會在美國或您居住地以外的其他國家/地區,處理和使用您的客戶識別資訊。這些國家/地區不一定會為客戶識別資訊提供與您國家程度類似隱私權保護。 |
此外,我們將客戶識別資訊視為企業資產,當全部或部分哈雷大衛森/Buell 集團出售給第三方時,客戶識別資訊可能也會因此傳送給該第三方買家。 |
我們可能會與哈雷大衛森/Buell 或其經銷商以外之法人分享匿名的總人口統計和一般趨勢資訊。 |
「Cookie」的使用 |
就如同許多網站一樣,我們可能會在您電腦上放置「Cookie」或其他裝置。例如,您第一次在哈雷大衛森網站首頁選擇國家/地區時,一個 Cookie 便會放置到您的電腦。您下次瀏覽此網站時,便會自動載入您之前選擇的國家版本。我們不時也會使用 Cookie 和其他裝置瞭解此網站中您認為最實用或最有趣的頁面或資訊,以及使用於其他目的。然而,我們不會使用「Cookie」或其他裝置追蹤您平常在網路上的瀏覽。 |
大部分的瀏覽器都會允許您拒絕接受網站提供的「Cookie」。當您拒絕接受「Cookie」時,您不會因此無法存取 www.harley-davidson.com 或 www.buell.com 任何一部分的網頁。然而,在此網站中進行的交易可能會延遲,因為您需要重新輸入完成交易的必要基本資訊。 |
資料安全性保護方式 |
為預防您的客戶識別資訊遭到未經授權的存取,我們制定了物理、電子和管理程序。 |
承諾孩童隱私權 |
我們意識到保護孩童隱私權的重要性。為此,我們不蒐集或保存我們所知 13 歲以下孩童的資訊,除非法律另有規定。 |
第三方的資訊蒐集 |
我們網頁可能提供由可辨識第三方贊助或共同贊助的優惠促銷。身為贊助商,這些第三方可能取得訪客為參加活動而自願提交的客戶識別資訊。我們無法控管這些第三方使用此資訊的方式。因此,我們鼓勵您查閱他們的隱私權政策,以取得詳細資訊。 |
如何連絡我們 |
若您對於我們的隱私權政策或其運用有任何問題,請來信至此地址:Harley-Davidson, Inc., 3700 West Juneau Avenue, Milwaukee,
Wisconsin 53208 USA, 或請連絡:隱私權長 Lim Cheng Huang ,請來信至 H-DOnlineAP@harley-davidson.com。 |
連結 |
為提升您的網站使用體驗與提供您可能有興趣之產品,我們提供商業聯盟公司、哈雷大衛森/Buell 經銷商和其他第三方網站的連結。當您按一下其中一個連結,您將離開我們的網站並連接至您選取的組織或公司的網站。由於哈雷大衛森/Buell 無法控管這些網站,即使我們的網站和第三方網站為相關企業,我們都鼓勵您檢閱他們個人的隱私權聲明。若您造訪與我們網站相連結的網站,提供任何客戶識別資訊之前,請先查閱該網站的隱私權政策。 |
隱私權政策變更 |
此隱私權政策可能會隨著時間變更調整,而任何變更都會發佈在這裡。當我們將隱私權條款的內容實際變更成我們可以分享更多您的資訊,或可以對其他類型的第三方揭露您的資訊,我們會採取合理的措施,預先告知您這些變更。您便可以有適當的機會選擇退出我們的服務 |
法律聲明 |
法律聲明連結可見於 Harley-Davidson, Inc. 網站中每個網頁的頁尾。 |
Eligibility Requirements – please read carefully
To be eligible to enter, individuals must:
All entries must be made online at h-d.com.au/shareyourexperience; h-d.asia/shareyourexperience; h-d.in/shareyourexperience; or harley-davidson.cn/shareyourexperience by no later than 31/12/2015.
To enter:
Following a Test Ride, the Promoter will email participants with an invitation to enter the promotion. Entrants must enter online at:
h-d.in/shareyourexperience; or
during the Promotion Period by completing and submitting the entry form and providing their photo and caption following their Test Ride. No purchase is required to enter the promotion.
Entries submitted after 31/12/2015 (Singapore local time) will not be accepted.
All entries must include the entrant's chosen caption for a photo of the entrant taken before, during or after their test ride in 160 characters or less, as well as the entrant's name, address, daytime contact number, date of birth and email address.
Market |
Prize |
Prize value |
Number to be won |
China |
Street 750 motorcycle |
78,888RMB |
1 |
Tmall Voucher |
3,000RMB |
3 |
India |
Northern HOG rally package including a ticket for the winner and his/her guest to the Northern HOG rally in Chandigarh on November 20-22nd, 2015 (transportation via car and driver in the event the winner does not have a motorcycle) and 2 nights' accommodation. |
Up to 40,000 INR |
1 |
HOG Convention package, including a single ticket to the HOG Convention in Bali, Indonesia on November 4-7th, 2015 including return economy class airfares to Bali and 3 nights' accommodation. |
Up to 115,000 INR |
1 |
Northern or Eastern HOG rally package (at the Promoter's discretion), including a ticket for the winner and his/her guest to the selected HOG rally, return economy airfares to Kolkata or Chandigarh and 2 nights' accommodation.
The Eastern Rally will be held December 11-13th, 2015 |
Up to 80,000 INR |
1 |
India HOG rally and India Bike Week package, including a ticket for the winner and his/her guest to the India HOG rally and India Bike Week event in Goa on February 18-20th, 2016 including return economy class airfares and 2 nights' accommodation. |
Up to 80,000 INR |
1 |
Trip for winner and a guest to Los Angeles, USA for 7 days, including return economy airfares, a tour of custom motorcycle shops in Southern California, and AUD$500 spending money. |
Up to AUD$7,500, depending on point of departure. |
2 |
Other |
A Harley-Davidson merchandise package. |
Up to USD$800. |
18 |
If any aspect of the motorcycle design or customisation would be illegal in the Major Prize winner's country of residence, it will not be implemented by the Harley-Davidson dealer. In these circumstances, the Major Prize winner and the Harley-Davidson dealer will agree an alternative design or customisation that will be permitted by local laws as close as possible to the original.
The Major Prize winner must collect the customised motorcycle once notified that the motorcycle has been built / modified in the Major Prize winner's home country and is ready for collection. The Promoter is not responsible for the delivery of the prize to the Major Prize winner.
The Major Prize, or any minor prize involving travel, does not include any other taxes (excluding GST/VAT), expenses, insurance costs (including, without limitation, the cost of comprehensive vehicle insurance or travel insurance), passports or visas for travel or other incidental expenses not specifically stated. These expenses are the sole responsibility of the relevant winner. It is a condition of accepting any prize involving travel that the winner arrange at their own expense valid travel insurance with the highest available coverage for their period of travel. The Major Prize, or any minor prize involving travel, is a single event trip for the winner and cannot be separated into separate trips or components.
Accommodation, activities, ride routes and flight arrangements, including suppliers, will be determined by the Promoter in its sole discretion. Travel dates will be determined by the Promoter in consultation with the winner. Winner and any guest must travel together.
If the Major Prize winner is unable to travel in January/February 2016 for any reason, including because the Major Prize winner is unable to arrange passports or required visas, the travel component of the Major Prize will be forfeited. In that event, the Promoter will arrange for the customisation design session component of the Major Prize to take place via another means, such as video or phone conference.
The Promoter reserves the right to withdraw any prize should the Promoter, in its sole and absolute discretion, deem a winner unfit to participate in the prize for any reason, including (without limitation) as a result of illness, tiredness, or the influence of drugs.
Each prize winner accepts all risks associated with accepting and using any prize and will be responsible for complying with all laws relating to use of the prize, including licence requirements.
If a prize (or any part of a prize) is unavailable, the Promoter, in its discretion, reserves the right to substitute a prize (or that part of a prize) with a prize of equal value and/or specification. The winner will not be entitled to any additional compensation in the event the prize or element of a prize has been substituted at equal or greater value.
Prizes, or any unused portion of any prize, are not transferable or exchangeable and, subject to clause 18, cannot be taken as cash.
If this Promotion is interfered with in any way or is not capable of being conducted as reasonably anticipated due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter, the Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion but to the fullest extent permitted by law: (a) to disqualify any entrant; or (b) to modify, suspend, terminate or cancel the Promotion, as appropriate.
The prize winner may have rights under local laws in its country of residence (including, without limitation, consumer protection laws) which cannot be excluded or limited by the Promoter ("Non-Excludable Rights"). These Terms and Conditions do not, and do not intend to, exclude or limit any Non-Excludable Rights in any way. However, to the extent that it is permitted by law to do so, the Promoter makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding the quality or suitability of the prize awarded as part of this Promotion and will not be responsible for breach of any such representations or warranties.
Prizes are subject to the terms and conditions of flight and accommodation providers and other third party suppliers. The Promoter is not responsible or liable for any loss, damage or injury suffered by any winner as a result of the conduct of any third party supplier or otherwise as a result of the winner accepting and/or using a prize, except for any loss, damage or injury which is due to the negligence or wilful misconduct of the Promoter or which otherwise cannot be excluded by law.
Entrants confirm and promise that their entry is original, and does not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party.
Participation in the Promotion constitutes a prize-winner’s consent to the Promoter’s use of the prize-winner’s name, likeness and opinions (including without limitation footage of the winner's receipt and use of the prize) on the Promoter's website or otherwise for promotional, marketing and publicity purposes without any fee being paid by the Promoter. The prize winner may also be requested to take part in publicity activities, and the winner agrees to participate in any reasonable requests, without any further fee being paid by the Promoter. The prize winner further agrees and commits not to object to the Promoter reproducing and publishing his/her entry photo and response to the Promotion question in its original form or in a modified form and without attributing him/her as its author for promotional, marketing, publicity and internal reporting purposes. The prize winner agrees to sign any further documentation required by the Promoter to give effect to this arrangement, as a precondition to being awarded the prize.
Any cancellation or modification (if permitted by law) to the Promotion will be notified on the Promoter's websites h-d.com.au/testrideandwin, h-d.asia/testrideandwin, h-d.in/testrideandwin and harley-davidson.cn/shareyourexperience. A copy of these Terms and Conditions and prize details can also be obtained from those sites.
If part or all of any clause of these Terms and Conditions is unenforceable, it will be severed, and the balance of these Terms and Conditions will remain in full force and effect.
These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of Singapore and each entrant agrees to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that country. For the avoidance of doubt, this clause 37 does not prevent an entrant from bringing an action in a court of their home country.
The Promoter's or an entrant's failure to enforce any term of these Terms and Conditions will not restrict the relevant party from enforcing that or any other provision at a later time.
In the event of a conflict between the English Terms and Conditions and any translated
version of the Terms
and Conditions, the English version will prevail.
* This Game of Skill is open to
any resident of
India except of the State of Tamil Nadu or any other State where prohibited by Law.